Learn to make flipbooks with PDFs and design systems

I'm absolutely attracted by the realistic page turning effect created with Issuhub. Besides, it allows me to embed videos which plays perfectly on mobile.
Lewis — happy customer


Users choose Issuhub to create and publish digital publications with page flipping effect.

Mobile Friendly Flipbook

Issuhub converts PDF to HTML5 flipbook which works perfectly on tablet and phone. You can choose flip or slide mode.

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flipbook mobile

The powerful editor and flexible themes for all kinds of businesses

Whether you're creating a digital flipbook, magazine, e-commerce catalog, or business brochure, newsletter, Issuhub's flexible themes and powerful editor help you create the best possible product for your readers.

1000 +

Enrich your publication with 1000+ elements including buttons, icons, etc.

20 +

Take advantage of more than 20 animated themes designed with mobile-first in mind.

95 %

of our customers rated 5-star our themes over 5 years.

20 +

With 20+ HTML5 flipbook templates, you will surely find one that fits your next magazine or brochure. 

Simple, transparent pricing

Everything you need to continuously build, publish, and share mobile friendly cross-browser digital publications.


500 uploads per month, 100G storage


2000 uploads per month, 500G storage


8000 uploads per month, Unlimited storage, 3 Users, Page Editor


Unlimited uploads per month, Unlimited storage, 10 Users, Page Editor

HTML5 flipbook create and publish

Get mobile friendly content on any device with just a link, no other app needed. Support password protection, Google Analytics Integration.

Not comfortable diving that deep? No worries, Issuhub is free to try out - Learn more

4.83 out of 5 starts from 53 reviews

50,000+ users choose Issuhub

Over 5 million flipbooks have been published