Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1

Another of Greg Woodbridge’s outstanding models was this 1:48 Airfi x Meteor FR.9 in 2 Squadron
markings from 1955.

A combat weary F6F Hellcat in Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm colours, makes a change from the more
familiar US Navy scheme.

Mirage SIG member Peter Fearis brought along some of his
outstanding 1:72 Mirage F1 and Kfi r collection. Some of these
examples involved a complex conversion process and lots of
scratch-building to get them truly accurate.

Hard-to-miss 1:72 Mirage IIIs in RAAF ARDU colours and later in
Pakistan Air Force roundels when the aircraft were later sold off
by the Australian government.

Not often seen is a US Navy F-4 in the low-viz colours worn by
VF-151 in their fi nal years of operating the Phantom. This 1:48
example was on the Newbury Scale Model Club stand.

A nice selection of 1:72 RAF training aircraft on display. One of the competition entries at the show was this beautifully
fi nished 1/48 P-51D in the famous Dooleybird scheme.

Not often seen at UK model shows, an RAAF Hawk 127 in the
markings of 76 squadron based at RAAF Williamtown.

Entered in the Revell sponsored competition was this 1:48
F-105G Thunderchief in typical Vietnam-era Wild Weasel colours.

Elegant as ever a Spitfi re PR Mk.XI in USAAF colours. Although
built straight from the box, the fi nish on this model raised it to
one of the best at the 2019 show.

It looks like it’s going fast even as a model. A stunning 1:48 F-8
Crusader in the colours of VF-194 ‘Red Lightnings’.

Wingnut Wings continue to be popular among modellers. This
Fokker E.1 was magnifi cent and the builder had even achieved
the unique period fi nish on the metal cowling.

The Poole Vikings club display included this lovely 1:72 resin kit
of an Italian Air Force SM SF-260 built by Terry Howlett.

It’s not often you see a B-47 Stratojet in DayGlo markings, but
this 1:72 Frog example was fi nished as a QB-47E by Roger Ling
from the IPMS Salisbury club.
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