Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

,My brother said... (I want to get used to the word brother

what is all this haha... is this hospitality haha , Taeyong

he answers's for Luna

She said and took her glass from the tray

not as if I came back from ,Thank you... I woke up from a coma
the dead

then Chimmy spoke ,He laughed a little

It was like that for me,would you like to sit with us for a while?
Didn't you miss us? Lol

Well then...if you want to

He sat with them and they started to have a conversation with
They got into the issue of sensitivities but ,laughter and shock
Taeyong said something that shocked Luna (Since she has no
she must be shocked...don't you think so?) ,memory

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