Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

"Luna escorted Chimmy home, bidding her farewell with a
smile that concealed her true intentions. Promising to return
swiftly with refreshing ice cream, Luna slipped away into the
twilight, her footsteps barely making a sound on the pavement.

Veering off the familiar path, Luna found herself drawn to an
enigmatic edifice shrouded in the mist of the night. The
mansion stood like a sentinel, its grandeur illuminated by the
moon's soft glow. With each step, anticipation mingled with
trepidation, weaving a tapestry of emotions within her heart.

At the threshold, Luna hesitated, her pulse quickening in
rhythm with the cadence of her thoughts. With trembling
fingers, she dared to knock, the sound reverberating through
the stillness of the night like a secret whispered to the stars.

In a breathless moment, the door swung open, revealing a
realm of opulence and refinement that surpassed her wildest
dreams. The air was thick with intrigue, as if every corner held
a story waiting to be unveiled.

Summoning her courage, Luna stepped over the threshold, her
voice echoing through the cavernous halls. "Hello... I'm Luna,

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