Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

returned to her dimly lit home, but the reality she faced there
was not as she had expected. The doors of the house greeted
her with profound silence, as if they were pointing to the crypts
of deep-seated secrets hidden within.

The rooms were dark and deserted, as if time had come to a
standstill within them, and the ghosts of the past lay dormant
in every corner, reminding her of the mysterious events still
lurking in the depths. This left her feeling anxious and
As Luna ascended the stairs quickly, they seemed endless, and
she headed straight to Shimi's room. However, upon arrival,
she was shocked to see her beloved lying on the ground,
soaked in his own blood. The ice cream bag fell to the ground,
and Luna rushed towards it, unsure of where to begin and
where to end. She screamed fragmented cries between her sobs
and gasps, her voice rising incessantly. The door closed behind
her, enveloping her in silence.

Taiyang stood there quietly, but his eyes blazed with hatred
and anger. Words accumulated in his mouth like pebbles on a
tumultuous shore. His voice trembled slightly, filled with
mixed anger and sorrow. "Do you know why I married your

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