Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

chance to get what I wanted. So, I approached your blind sister
and married her as planned..."

His words were like a sharp knife cutting through the tense air
between them, ready to pierce the heart after his actions had
broken it.

As Luna stood before him, her eyes pulsated with hatred and
disgust, as if she dominated her position and his. She looked at
him with eyes bearing old grudges, reflecting the turbulent
relationship between them, and her determination to expose
him and reveal his true self to the world.

"Why do you boast of this poverty and stupidity?" she shouted,
her voice ringing like the clash of swords, laden with words of
disdain and contempt. "Is it true humility, or is it just a
delusion you see?" she added, igniting sparks of anger in every

In a moment of dark silence, she looked at him with eyes ablaze
with fire, almost emitting sparks from them, and uttered a
phrase as harsh as a rock: "I've been saying throughout my life,
why aren't you afraid of me? But everyone ignored me, only

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