Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

weak, and rushed towards him with astonishing courage, like a
storm sweeping everything in its path.

And in that crucial moment, her hand moved with astonishing
skill, using her weapon boldly and firmly. In that sudden
moment, the deadly silence turned into chaos. He tried
desperately to defend himself, but she was determined to fulfill
her mission with cruelty and determination. Riding the waves
of anger and pain, she fired without hesitation, and the deadly
shots followed rapidly.

Chu Taiyang fell to the ground, writhing in pain, his face
drenched in flowing blood. Luna gazed at him with eyes filled
with sadness and disgust, for this moment marked not only the
end of the life of a beloved man to her but also the conclusion
of a long series of pain and suffering left behind.

As the man bent in silent despair, that terrible figure gradually
faded into the darkness of the night, leaving Luna alone,
bearing the burden of justice imposed by her trembling hands,
and her heart, which could no longer bear more pain and loss.

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