Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

started spreading rumors about Sierra and cursing all of our
family, and she started saying that my mother had disowned
Sierra four years ago, and Sierra became living in rubbish, so
we took pity on her and brought her into the house...etc. of
words that cannot be said) and Sierra met my mother, and then
my brother came and took me by the hand and put his hand on
my mouth...and dragged me out...then He said to me.. Did my
mother raise you to spy

I told him.. you scared me, oh... my brother, oh, oh, oh, yeah...
Then I'm not spying, I wanted to go to the kitchen without
them seeing me, so I was thinking how to do that

He said.. oh well what do you want from the kitchen

I told him .. I want to bring me a few things

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