Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

psychology, scientists, psychiatrists, and students). And...... that
the autistic and the depressed are the smartest people in this
world, and I joined these people... (the mentally ill)..) and when
I finished I left, and this thing was repeated for 4 days
(examination days) and at the end One day after I returned
home, my brother came and knocked on the door, but I did not
hear him because I was wearing my headphones.... until I saw
the door open and a person standing at my head... so I
screamed and then hit my brother until he began to apologize
to me.... then He said... I knocked on the door 5 times.. Didn't
you hear me

Fredit... No... I'm wearing my headphones... and why did you
come to me

He said... My mother says that she had bought tickets to travel
on the occasion of the end of the exams

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