Fenrys winked at Elide. “I won’t tell if you
don’t, Lady.”
Elide blushed, then waved them onward.
“Collect your earnings, then.”
Rowan did. He and Fenrys found armor
that could fit them—in certain areas. They
had to forgo the entire suit, but took pieces to
enforce their shoulders, forearms, and shins.
Rowan had just finished strapping greaves on
his legs when Fenrys said, “We should bring
some of this up for Lorcan and Gavriel.”
Indeed they should. Rowan eyed other
pieces, and began collecting extra daggers and
blades, then sections from another suit that
might fit Lorcan, Fenrys doing the same for
“You must charge a great deal for your
services,” Elide muttered. Even while the
Lady of Perranth tied a few daggers to her
own belt.
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)