(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

They’d already lost precious time skirting
the Dead Islands, despite the news that they
once more belonged to Captain Rolfe. Word
had likely already reached Morath about their
journey, but there was no need to proclaim
their exact location.
But their secrecy had cost them: he’d had
no news on Dorian’s location. Not a whisper
as to whether he had gone north with Aelin
and the fleet she’d gathered from several
kingdoms. Chaol could only pray that Dorian
had, and that his king remained safe.
Yrene studied the two ruks on the nearby
ship. “How many scouts are going?”
“Just them.”
Yrene’s eyes flared with warning.
“Easier for smaller numbers to stay
hidden.” Chaol pointed to the sky. “The cloud
cover today makes it ideal for scouting, too.”
When the worry in her face didn’t abate, he

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