shrieking as it ripped.
She inhaled sharply through her teeth,
swallowing her cry just as Cairn pushed her
onto her knees.
The breath slammed from her at the
impact. At each shard that sliced and dug in
Breathe—breathing was key, was vital.
She pulled her mind out, away, inhaling
and exhaling. A wave sweeping back from the
shore, then returning.
Warmth pooled beneath her knees, her
calves and ankles, the coppery scent of her
blood rising to blend into the mists.
Her breath turned jagged as she began
shaking, as a scream surged within her.
She bit her lip, canines piercing flesh.
She would not scream. Not yet.
The tang of her blood coated her mouth as
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)