Beyond words, unsure her throat would
even work, Aelin blinked three times. Are you
all right?
Two blinks answered. No.
Lingering salt tracks streaked his cheeks.
Her chains rustled as she stretched a
shaking finger toward him.
Silently, he slid his hand into hers.
She mouthed the words, even though he
likely couldn’t make them out with the slit of
the mask’s mouth. I’m sorry.
His grip only tightened.
His gray jacket was unbuttoned at the top.
It gaped open wide enough to reveal a hint of
the muscled chest beneath. As if he hadn’t
bothered to seal it back up in his hurry to
Her stomach turned over. What he’d
undoubtedly had to do afterward, with his
twin’s body still lying on the veranda tiles
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)