(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

To them, Lysandra thought as she lunged
between two Bane warriors and launched
herself upon the nearest Valg foot soldier.
The man had his sword upraised, poised to
strike the Bane soldier before him. With the
angle of his head as he brought the blade up,
the Valg grunt didn’t spy his oncoming death
until her jaws were around his exposed neck.
Hours into this battle, it was instinct to
clamp down, flesh splitting like a piece of ripe
She was moving again before he hit the
earth, spitting his throat onto the mud, leaving
the advancing Bane to decapitate his corpse.
How far away that courtesan’s life in Rifthold
now seemed. Despite the death around her,
she couldn’t say she missed it.
Down the line, Aedion bellowed orders to
the left flank. They’d let rest some of the
Bane upon hearing how few Erawan had sent,

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