“A lot of them won’t make it,” she said
“They’ll stand a better chance in the Fangs
than here,” he said with equal quiet. They
were still his people, had still shown him
kindness, even when his own father had not.
“I’ll see to it that my father sends some of the
soldiers who are too old to fight with them—
they’ll remember the way.”
“I know I’m nothing more than the rabble,”
Yrene said, and Chaol snickered, “but those
who do choose to stay, who are let into the
keep ... Perhaps while we wait for our own
forces, I could help find room for them.
Supplies. See if there are any healers among
them who might have access to the herbs and
ingredients we need. Get bandages ready.”
He nodded, pride filling his chest to the
point of pain. A lady. If not by blood, then by
nobility of character. His wife was more of a
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)