(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

She didn’t know how long she lay on the altar
after the healers swept in with their sweet-
smelling smoke. They’d put the metal
gauntlets back on her.
With each hour, the pressure beneath her
skin grew. Even in that heavy, drugged sleep.
As if once she’d acknowledged it, it wouldn’t
be ignored. Or contained.
It would be the least of her problems, if
Maeve put a collar around her neck.
Fenrys sat by the wall, concern bright in
his eyes as he blinked. Are you all right?
She blinked twice. No.
No, she was not anywhere near to all right.
Maeve had been waiting for this, waiting for
this pressure to begin, worse than anything
Cairn might do. And with the collar Maeve
now went to personally retrieve ...
She couldn’t let herself contemplate it. A

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