her sister. And in that alley, they had plotted.
Elide finished telling Rowan, Lorcan, and
Gavriel what she’d learned. They sat in
stunned silence for a long minute.
“Just before dawn,” Elide repeated.
“Dresenda said the watch on the eastern camp
is weakest at dawn. That she’d find a way for
the guards to be occupied. It’s our only
Rowan was staring into the trees, as if he
could see the layout of the camp, as if he were
plotting his way in, way out.
“She didn’t confirm if Aelin was in Cairn’s
tent, though,” Gavriel cautioned. “Maeve is
gone—Aelin might be with her, too.”
“It’s a risk we take,” Rowan said. A risk,
perhaps, they should have considered.
Elide glanced to Lorcan, who had been
silent throughout. Even though it had been his
lover who had helped them, perhaps guided by
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)