taking the southernmost entrance. Gavriel and
Lorcan would be waiting for his signal near
the east entrance, hidden in the forest just
beyond the rolling, grassy hills on that side of
the camp. Ready to unleash hell when he sent
a flare of his magic, diverting soldiers to their
side while Rowan made his run for Aelin.
Elide would wait for them farther in that
forest. Or flee, if things went badly.
She’d protested, but even Gavriel had told
her that she was mortal. Untrained. And what
she’d done today ... Rowan didn’t have the
words to convey his gratitude for what Elide
had done. The unexpected ally she’d found.
He trusted Essar. She’d never liked Maeve,
had outright said she did not serve her with
any willingness or pride. But these last few
hours before dawn, when so many things
could go wrong ...
Maeve was not here. That much, at least,
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)