breathed in her ear, bearing down, her limbs
starting to wobble, the heat scorching her
skin, the chains and mask.
He shoved her an inch closer to the flame.
Aelin’s foot slid back, between his braced
legs. Now. It had to be now—
“Enjoy the fire-breathing,” he hissed, and
she let him shove her another inch lower. Let
him get off balance, just a fraction, as she
slammed her body not up, but back into him,
her foot hooking around his ankle as he
Aelin whirled, smashing her shoulder into
his chest. Cairn crashed to the ground.
She ran—or tried to. With the chains at her
feet, on her legs, she could barely walk, but
she stumbled past him, knowing he was
already twisting, already rising up.
Cairn’s hands wrapped around her calves
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)