(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

the only place he could think of—even if
Aelin wasn’t there to take them.
“You’ll come back,” Manon said. It
sounded like more of a threat than anything.
Dorian smirked. “Would you miss me if I
Manon didn’t reply. He didn’t know why
he expected her to.
He’d taken all of a step, when Asterin
clasped his shoulder. “In and out, quick as you
can,” she warned him. “Take care of Narene.”
Worry indeed shone in the Second’s gold-
flecked black eyes.
Dorian bowed his head. “With my life,” he
promised as he approached her mount and
grasped the dangling reins. He didn’t fail to
miss the gratitude that softened Asterin’s
features. Or that Manon had already turned
away from him.
A fool to start down this path with her. He

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