And still Morath’s host lay between the
khagan’s army and the besieged city, an ocean
of darkness.
When night fell, too black for even the
Valg to fight, the khagan’s army pulled back
to assess. To ready for the attack at dawn.
Nesryn flew Yrene and Chaol, bloodied and
exhausted, down from the again-secured keep
walls, so they might join in the war council
between the khagan’s royal children. All
around, soldiers groaned and screamed in
agony, healers led by Hafiza herself rushing to
tend them before the night gave way to more
But when they reached Princess Hasar’s
battle tent, when they had all gathered around
a map of Anielle, they had only a few minutes
of discussion before they were interrupted.
By the person Chaol least expected to walk
through the flaps.
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)