sure that when this business with Anielle was
over, the khagan’s army marched northward.
To Terrasen.
And nowhere else. Whatever she needed to
do to convince them, offer them in exchange
for it, she’d pay it. Even if hauling ass to
Anielle had meant delaying her own return to
She supposed it’d be better to return with
an army behind her than alone.
Yet now, standing in the royals’ war tent,
Aelin still couldn’t quite believe just how
many the khagan had sent. With more to
come, Prince Sartaq had claimed.
They’d wended through the neatly
organized tents and soldiers, both on foot and
the downright awe-inspiring cavalry. The
Darghan, the legendary riders from the
steppes of the khaganate. The royal family’s
mother-people, who had taken the continent
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)