picking off enemy soldiers.
Aelin didn’t volunteer to do anything.
Didn’t indicate that she’d heard them.
And when they’d all deemed the plan
sound, along with a contingency plan should it
go awry, Nesryn only said, “We’ll find you
ruks to carry you back to the keep,” before
Aelin stormed into the frigid night, Rowan
barely keeping up with her.
No embers trailed her. Mud did not hiss
beneath her boots.
There was no fire at all. Not a spark.
As if Maeve had snuffed out that flame.
Made her fear it.
Hate it.
Aelin cut through the neatly organized
tents, past horses and their armored riders,
past foot soldiers around campfires, past the
ruk riders and their mighty birds, who filled
him with such awe he had no words for it. All
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)