Foreign Affairs. January-February 2020

(Joyce) #1

January/February 2020


Nanjala Nyabola on
the end of asylum
around the world.

William Burns on the
demolition of U.S.

Michael Beckley on
the threat posed by a
faltering China.


The New China Scare 52
Why America Shouldn’t Panic About Its Latest Challenger
Fareed Zakaria

Chained to Globalization 70
Why It’s Too Late to Decouple
Henry Farrell and Abraham L. Newman

The Shoals of Ukraine 81
Where American Illusions and Great-Power Politics Collide
Serhii Plokhy and M. E. Sarotte

How to Fix American Health Care 96
What Other Countries Can—and Can’t—Teach the United States
William C. Hsiao

Adapt or Perish 107
Preparing for the Inescapable Effects of Climate Change
Alice Hill and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz

The Age of Great-Power Competition 118
How the Trump Administration Refashioned American Strategy
Elbridge A. Colby and A. Wess Mitchell

Women Under Attack 131
The Backlash Against Female Politicians
Jamille Bigio and Rachel Vogelstein
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