Barron's - USA (2020-10-12)

(Antfer) #1

16 BARRON’S October 12, 2020

launch of tafamidis—sold by Pfizer

(ticker: PFE) under the names

Vyndaqel and Vyndamax—a $225,000-

a-year treatment for a potentially fatal

heart condition. The price, which

makes tafamidis the most expensive

cardiovascular drug ever launched in

the U.S., is “unconscionable” and “com-

pletely unjustified,” Feigenson said in

an interview with Barron’s.

As a retired entrepreneur living

on Social Security income of about

$26,000 a year, Feigenson has his

prescription covered through Medi-

care and funding from independent

charities, filling in the gaps with free

drugs he gets through a Pfizer pro-

gram for lower-income patients. “I’m

in a race to see if I can bankrupt Medi-

care faster than anybody else,” he

says. “I’m not cheap.”

If Pfizer has its way, taxpayers

could soon be on the hook for many

more doses of tafamidis. In June, the

Pfizer Lawsuit Could Be an

‘Earthquake’ for Drug Pricing

The drugmaker is seeking a judgment in favor of patient-assistance programs that would allow it to help cover

Medicare patients’ copays for tafamidis—the most expensive cardiovascular drug ever launched in the U.S.


ast year, Pfizer posted a

billboard outside its mid-

town Manhattan headquar-

ters showing a larger-than-

life patient smiling at his

partner. “Dedicated to the

brave of heart,” it read.

The patient, Walter Feigenson, 72,

of Portland, Ore., says he was paid

roughly $1,000 for taking part in the


pharmaceutical giant filed a lawsuit

against the federal government in U.S.

District Court for the Southern Dis-

trict of New York, seeking a judgment

in favor of proposed patient-assistance

programs that would allow the com-

pany to help cover tafamidis copays

for many Medicare beneficiaries.

Such programs, which can be spon-

sored directly by drug companies or

independent charities funded largely

by the pharmaceutical industry, often

cover much or all of patients’ out-of-

pocket drug costs, leaving third-party

payers such as insurers and Medicare

to pick up most of the tab.

The case could reverberate far be-

yond Pfizer and patients prescribed

tafamidis. Patient-assistance programs

covering out-of-pocket costs remove a

powerful market force—patients’ price

sensitivity—that would otherwise

push down drug prices, and drugmak-

ers can use them to boost sales of

Illustration byCHRIS GASH


is a canary

in the coal

mine” that

will help


the future

pricing of



Dr. Dhruv Kazi

October 12, 2020 BARRON’S 17

pricey medications, researchers say. A

ruling for Pfizer “would be a major

earthquake” that could send drug

prices soaring, with taxpayers footing

much of the bill, says Ge Bai, an asso-

ciate professor at Johns Hopkins Carey

Business School and the Bloomberg

School of Public Health, who has stud-

ied patient-assistance programs.

Pfizer’s lawsuit takes aim at federal

policies that prohibit drugmakers from

providing direct copay assistance to

Medicare beneficiaries and restrict

their funding of and communications

with independent patient-assistance

charities. Companies straying outside

those policies risk violating federal

anti-kickback laws, which prohibit

them from offering anything of value to

induce Medicare patients to purchase

the company’s drugs.

Over the past few years, the Depart-

ment of Justice has collected more

than $1 billion in settlements from

pharmaceutical companies, including

Pfizer itself, that allegedly violated

these prohibitions. A Pfizer victory in

the tafamidis case could stymie such

enforcement efforts, says Max Vold-

man, an attorney at Constantine Can-

non who specializes in health-care

industry fraud. A decision in the case

could come early next year.

Pfizer and several other drugmak-

ers involved in the settlements have

said that their charitable giving helps

people lead healthier lives and that

all patients deserve access to their


The fact that Pfizer can’t offer the

same type of support to Medicare

patients that it provides to the com-

mercially insured is a “fundamental

inequity,” says Suneet Varma, global

president of Pfizer’s rare-disease

unit. “That’s what brought us to this

point.” As for tafamidis’ price, he

says it’s “responsible, because of the

transformational value this delivers

for patients and the size of the rare-

disease population it treats.”

The legal battle is playing out as

President Donald Trump and law-

makers of both parties look for ways

to rein in Medicare Part D drug

spending, which grew nearly 10%

annually from 2009 to 2018, reaching

$168 billion, according to the Medi-

care Payment Advisory Commission.

“Tafamidis is a canary in the coal

mine” that will help determine the

future pricing of similar drugs, says

Dr. Dhruv Kazi, a cardiologist and

health economist at Beth Israel

Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

His research has found that treating

all patients eligible for tafamidis—

estimated at 120,000 people—would

boost total annual U.S. prescription-

drug spending by 9%, or $32 billion. If

there’s one thing we’ve learned from

the pandemic, he says, it’s that “even

in wealthy countries like the U.S., ulti-

mately health-care resources are lim-

ited, and we have to decide what to opt

in to and what to forgo.”

Many Medicare patients who are

prescribed high-cost drugs know all

about those unpleasant trade-offs,

because Part D places no cap on their

out-of-pocket spending. Even when

they reach catastrophic coverage,

they’re responsible for 5% of the drug

costs, which is often unaffordable.

Independent patient-assistance

charities have stepped into the breach,

growing rapidly in the years after Part

D took effect in 2006. These nonprofit

organizations can take cash donations

from drugmakers and use them to

help cover Medicare patients’ copays

and other out-of-pocket costs, so long

as they’re following guidelines issued

by the Department of Health and Hu-

man Services’ Office of Inspector Gen-

eral that are meant to ensure their

independence. Drugmakers aren’t

supposed to exert any control over the

charities, for example, or receive data

that can correlate their donations with

sales of their own drugs.

From 2006-15, total giving by ma-

jor independent charities such as the

Patient Access Network Foundation

and HealthWell Foundation climbed

more than 750%, to $1.4 billion, ac-

cording to research by the U.S. Trea-

sury’s Office of Tax Analysis. Since

then, several charities settled Depart-

ment of Justice allegations that they

helped drug companies steer dona-

tions to patients taking their own

drugs. Even so, five major patient-

assistance charities gave a total of

more than $1.1 billion to assist patients

in 2018, according to Internal Revenue

Service filings.

The programs help drive up drug

prices and boost drugmakers’ profits,

critics say. The median annual cost of

drugs covered by the programs is

$1,157, compared with $367 for drugs

not covered, and off-patent brand-

name drugs are more likely to be cov-

ered than their generic equivalents,

according to a 2019 study by Bai and

others who examined 274 disease-

specific programs offered by the major

independent charities.

A drugmaker’s $1 million donation

to a charity that helps Medicare pa-

tients access high-price drugs “has the

potential to generate up to $21 million

for the sponsor company, funded by

the U.S. government,” according to a

2017 Citigroup report. Drugmakers

also get tax deductions for their con-

tributions to the charities.

The charities tend to ignore pa-

tients who may most need their help,

researchers say. The uninsured are

excluded from eligibility in 97% of

the programs, Bai’s study found, en-

suring that their biggest donors—the

drugmakers—get paid for each pre-

scription the charities help cover.

Uninsured patients may be eligible to

receive free drugs directly from drug-

makers, says Krista Zodet, president

of the HealthWell Foundation. “One

of the main reasons that foundations

like us are in place is that we can

help Medicare patients” in ways that

drug companies can’t, she says.

Tafamidis is the only Food & Drug

Administration–approved treatment

for transthyretin amyloid cardiomyo-

pathy, or ATTR-CM, which causes the

heart to stiffen and limits its ability to

pump blood. Even before Pfizer filed

its lawsuit, some doctors involved in

tafamidis clinical trials took the un-

usual step of publicly criticizing its

$225,000 price tag. Early this year, a

JAMA Cardiology article co-written

by a principal investigator in a

tafamidis clinical trial called the drug

a “particularly egregious example of

price gouging.”

To determine tafamidis’ price, says

Pfizer’s Varma, the company first

considered the drug’s clinical value,

which includes prolonging life and

reducing hospitalizations.

But some doctors and researchers


all 120,


eligible for


would boost

annual U.S.




by 9%, or

$32 billion,

according to

one study.

WHO’S FOOTING THE BILL?IfPfizerhasitsway,taxpayerscouldsoonbeonthe


2018 Q

$0 Mil 100 200 300



2019 Q




2020 Q


Less than






More than


Sources: Company reports; “Financial Eligibility Criteria and Medication Coverage for Independent Charity Patient Assistance Programs,” So-YeonKangetal.,JournaloftheAmericanMedical
Association, 2019

Pfizer’s global revenue from Vyndaqel and Vyndamax has surged

since tafamidis received FDA approval for treatment of a

debilitating heart disease in May 2019.


per beneficiary are more likely to be covered by an independent

patient-assistance charity.

36 %

52 %

73 %

83 %

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