(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

fight to keep that distinction for themselves.
“Bronwen,” the crone said, gesturing
toward the dark-haired coven leader with the
gold-bound broom, now monitoring Manon
and the Thirteen from the shadows beyond the
fire, “is also my great-granddaughter. Your
closest cousin.”
No kindness shone on Bronwen’s face, so
Manon didn’t bother looking pleasant, either.
“She and Rhiannon were close as sisters,”
Glennis murmured.
It took a considerable amount of effort not
to touch the scrap of red cloak at the end of
her braid.
Dorian, Darkness embrace his soul, cut in,
“We found you for a reason.”
Glennis again warmed her hands. “I
suppose it is to ask us to join in this war.”
Manon didn’t soften her stare. “It is. You,
and all the Crochans scattered across the

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