family has a hearth that moves with them to
each camp or home we make; the fires never
extinguish. The flame in my hearth dates back
to the Crochan city itself, when Brannon
Galathynius gave Rhiannon a spark of
eternally burning fire. My mother carried it
with her in a glass globe, hidden in her cloak,
when she smuggled out your ancestor, and it
has continued to burn at every royal Crochan
hearth since then.”
“What about when magic disappeared for
ten years?”
“Our seers had a vision that it would
vanish, and the flame would die. So we
ignited several ordinary fires from that magic
flame, and kept them burning. When magic
disappeared, the flame indeed winked out.
And when magic returned this spring, the
flame again kindled, right in the hearth where
we had last seen it.” Her great-grandmother
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)