(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

cousins whom Rowan had begged to aid them.
Or Ellys, seeking to reenter Maeve’s good
graces after their betrayal, might sell them out
before they could find Aelin.
And as for the others, the few allies they
might have ...
“Maeve is capable of worming her way
into a person’s mind,” Rowan said. “She
likely knows who our allies are and might
have already compromised them.” He braced
a hand on Goldryn’s hilt, the warm metal a
comforting touch. “We don’t risk it.”
Lorcan grunted his agreement.
Elide said, “Maeve doesn’t know me—or
barely does. No one here would recognize me,
especially if I can ... adjust my appearance.
Like I did with spreading those lies about the
Valg prince. I could try to get into the city
tomorrow and see if there’s anything to

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