sun arced higher, burning off the mists.
After a long minute, she asked, “When you
took the oath to Maeve, what did her blood
taste like?”
His golden brows narrowed. “Like blood.
And power. Why?”
Aelin shook her head. Another dream, or
hallucination. “If she’s on our heels with this
army, I’m just ... trying to understand it. Her,
I mean.”
“You plan to kill her.”
The gruel in her stomach turned over, but
Aelin shrugged. Even as she tasted ash on her
tongue. “Would you prefer to do it?”
“I’m not sure I’d survive it,” he said
through his teeth. “And you have more of a
reason to claim it than I do.”
“I’d say we have an equal claim.”
His dark eyes roved over her face. “Connall
was a better male than—than how you saw
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)