(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

The tower steadied itself, and Yrene
announced to no one in particular, “The ruks
are still holding off the tide. Morath only fires
the catapults because they cannot breach the
keep walls.”
It was only partially true, but the families
crouched in the hall, their bedrolls and
precious few belongings with them, seemed to
The ruks had indeed disabled many of the
catapults that Morath had hauled here, but a
few remained—just enough to hammer the
keep, the city. And while the ruks might have
been holding off the tide, it would not be for
Yrene didn’t want to know how many had
fallen. She only saw the number of riders in
the great hall and knew it would be too many.
Eretia had ordered the injured ruks to take up
residence in one of the interior courtyards,

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