(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

A few swords stopped quivering.
“You are people of Anielle,” Chaol went
on, hefting his shield and angling his sword.
“Let’s show them what that means.”
The siege tower slammed into the side of
the keep, and the metal bridge at its
uppermost level snapped down, crushing the
battlement parapets beneath.
Chaol’s focus went cold and calculating.
His wife was in the keep behind him.
Pregnant with their child.
He would not fail her.

A siege tower had reached the keep walls, and
now unloaded soldier after soldier right into
the ancient castle.
Despite the distance, Nesryn could see the
chaos on the battlements. Just barely make out
Chaol atop his gray horse, fighting in the thick
of it.

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