world through a temporary crack between
realms, and remained afterward to guard the
entrance, should it ever reappear.”
“This cannot end well,” Fenrys muttered.
Elide hummed her agreement.
“They feed on dreams and years and life,”
Falkan said, a hand on his own chest. “As my
friends have said the Valg do.”
Aelin had seen Valg princes drain a human
of every last drop of youth and vigor and
leave only a dried corpse behind. She
wouldn’t put it past the spiders to have a
similar gift.
“What does this mean for the war?” Rowan
asked, his thumbs still stroking Aelin’s neck.
“Will they join Erawan’s forces is the
better question,” Lorcan challenged with a
face like stone.
“They do not answer to Erawan,” Nesryn
said quietly, and Aelin knew. Knew from the
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)