(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

sort of power had tried to break into her mind.
What power had broken into Rowan’s
mind. All their minds, if she could glamour
her blood to look and taste ordinary.
He felt the tension rising in Aelin, a raging
storm that nearly hummed into his hands as he
gripped her shoulders.
Yet her flames made no appearance. They
hadn’t shown so much as an ember these
weeks, despite how hard they’d trained.
Occasionally, he’d spy Goldryn’s ruby
gleaming while she held it, as if fire glowed in
the heart of the stone. But nothing more.
Not even when they’d tangled in their bed
on the ship, when his teeth had found that
mark on her neck.
Elide surveyed them all, their silence, and
said to their new companions, “Perhaps we
should determine a plan of action regarding
tomorrow’s battle.” And give them time, later

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