Research Guide to American Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 9

Gorilla, My Love, 24, 31, 51, 60
Gornick, Vivian, 7, 62
Gothic, 370
Southern, 5, 37
Goucher College, 7
Gourneau, Patrick, 224
Grace Notes, 220
Grady, John (character), 275, 277
Grafton, Sue, 51, 62
Graham, Jorie, 6, 62, 119, 125
Grammy Award, 62
Grand Avenue: A Novel in Stories, 106,
Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine
Woman’s Sourcebook, 114
Granta, 153, 164
Grapes of Wrath, The, 153
graphic novel, 70, 75, 370
Grass, Günter, 17
Grass Dancer, The, 106, 115
Grass Roof, Tin Roof, 148
Gratitude to Old Teachers, 145
Gravity’s Rainbow, 130, 138
Gray’s Sporting Journal, 308
Grease, 40
Great Britain, 259
Great Days, 137
Great Migration, 220
Greed, 59
Greenberg, Richard, 39, 45
Greenblatt, Stephen, 19, 47
greenhouse gases, 12
Greenlanders, The, 67
Greenwich Village, 9, 38
Greenwood, Alice (character), 170
Greer, Germaine, 4
Greer, Marietta, 243
Greer, Taylor (character), 243
Grenada, 10
Griever: An American Monkey King in
China, 116
Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar
Wilde, 46
Groth, Lollie, 180
Ground on Which I Stand, The, 349
Guam, 323
Guardians, The, 60, 137
Guare, John, 39, 45
Guatemala, 243
Gubar, Susan D., 62–63

Guggenheim Fellowship, 164, 174, 219,
276, 315
Guggenheim Foundation, 237
Gulf Music, 302
Gutkind, Lee, 7


H.D., 265
Habitations of the Word, 138
Hacker, Marilyn, 118, 125
Had a Good Time: Stories from American
Postcards, 146
Hades, 238
Hairs/Pelitos, 187
Hairspray, 44
Haiti, 219
Port-au-Prince, 61
Haizlip, Shirlee Taylor, 27, 32
Halcyon Days, 44
Haley, Alex, 25, 32
“Half-Skinned Steer, The,” 308
Hamlisch, Marvin, 39, 45
Hang-Glider’s Daughter: New and Selected
Poems, The, 125
Hanley, Lynne, 207
hard-boiled, 51
Hardball, 66
Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great
Depression, 4
Harjo, Joy, 6, 13, 52, 63, 105, 107, 115,
119, 125, 154
Harlem Renaissance, 343
Harlem Writer’s Guild, 160
Harper & Row, 242
Harper, Michael S., 6, 25, 119
Harper’s, 5, 164, 199
Harris, E. Lynn, 26, 32
Harris, Middleton A., 283
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, 17
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 17
Harter, Carol C., 213
Harvard College, 313
Harvard University, 294, 315, 335
William E. Massey Lectures, 249
Hass, Robert, 249
Hassan, Ihab, 131
Haters, 68
Haunting Legacy of the Air India Tragedy,
The, 65
Hawai’i One Summer, 248
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