Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Calvert Island shelters the entrance of Fitz Hugh Sound off Queen
Charlotte Sound. It i5 a welcome sight after a crossing past Cape eaution, and
Safety Cave is a good anchorage after a long day's run. The island rises in
steep, wooded siopes to peaks on its eastern side, but is lo~ and flat on the
~est side. Safety Cave lies in a deep indentation of the eastern peaks.

Cape Calvert is the southeastern extremity of Calvert Island, but it is
not an obvious landmark. Clark Point, slightly northeast has a light and is
more noticeable. The island shore, with the bulk of Entry Cone above the
paint, is steep and hides any indicatian of the indentation of the cove, ~hich
lies about 6 miles to the north.

The cove is about 1/3 mile wide and it extends almost a mile into the
island. Two islets lie off the northern point, but are nat particularly
noticeable on an approach from the south. They are more readily 5een from the
northern approach. The shores are steep-to, but entry i5 made down the center
of the cove. The cove i5 deep thraughout. but shoals quickly at the head where
an extensive aud and sand bank dries for almost 1,000 feet from the shore.
Anchor anywhere in mid cave after the fathometer sho~s 15 fathoms, on 50ft mud
bottom. Do not go closer in than 12 fathoms.

A Iow, conical peak is at the head cf the cave, in the 10w pa5s between
the mountain masses on either side. There is usually a breeze in the cove
which can become gusty if there is a gale on the ocean side, but the anchorage
is secure. A house 1s hidden behind the trees at the head of the cove, and the
road cut leading from the landing point to the house shows up against the hill.

The entrance points af the cave are good places to troll far salmon.
Rivers Inlet across Fitz Hugh Sound is one of the most prolific salmon fishlng
areas and the salmon stocks run in and around the various islands. Anchored at
night in Safety Cave the many anchor lights of fish boats in the coves of
Ri~ers Inlet make a sparkling display.

There are severa l anchorages in the Rjvers Inlet area, including cannerv
moorings and resorts. Only two will be noted: Coose Bay lies on the south
side af Rivers Inlet just within the entrance. Anchor at thp head of the bay.
Duncanby Land1ng is on the east side of Coose Bay at its entrance. Fuel and
moorings can be obtained.

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