Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


fi5her Channel leads to the ghost town of Ocean Falls, once a thriving
pulp mi1! supported community. It is a beautiful location, well worth visit-
ing, and plenty of moorage is available at the public fIoats. However, the
Inside Passage raute turns off Fisher Channel into Lama Passage at Pointer
Island Lighthouse.

Lama Passage leads westward between Hunter Island and Denny Island far
about 7 miles before turning nOfthward. There are some coves on the south
shore in Cooper Inlet, just befare the junction with Hunter Channel. There are
many rocks in their entrances, but a 5mall vessel can find a passage into
Lizzie Cove or Jane Cove for a snug anchorage.

The narrowing channel of Lama Passage leads north to the small town of ~ew
Bella Bella. It has stores, a hotel, hospital, bank and a post office. There
i5 moorage at the government docks and fuel is available nearby. Further up
this shore there is moorage behind tiny Campbell Island beyond the breah"ater.

The old town of Bella Bella lies ac ross Lama Passage and is c10sing do .... n.
Some moorage may be available. However, around the point and past Spirit
Island there 1s the large bay of Kliktsoatli Harbar where the settlement and
resort inn at Shearwater is 1ocated. To enter, take a mid-channel course
through Clayton Pass bet~een Shearwater Island and Denny Island.

The small, private dock belongs to the Shearwater Marina and Fishermans
Inn resort and a long floating wharf with several buildings behind is the
shipyard. A well stocked marine store adjoins the slipway and workshops where
much repair work is done. The resort inn, restaurant, bar, and 'cabaret' is
nearby. Groceries and showers are available. A scheduled Air Be service
operates from the resort, as does a water taxi service to and from Bella Bella.
A small public wharf i5 in the little cave beyond the shipyard fIoat, but most
transient vessels moor to the long float, if space is available.

Lama Passage passes between Campbell and Saunders Islands, the western of
three channels into Seaforth Channel. A buoy off the south point of Saunders
Islands marks a shoal. The channel is about 1,000 feet wide at its narrowest
point, and the meeting of the tides seems ta col1ect 10g5 and debris here. The
ferries and cruise ships in the Inside Passage use this pass, and at sue h times
it can be crowded. Dryad Point Lighthouse on the northern point i5 an impor-
tant reporting station. Once in Seaforth Channel the route turns northwest to
pass DalI and Regatta Rocks before heading westward towards Ivory Island, Reid
Passage. and Milbanke Sound.

Gunboat Passage continues east from Dryad Point. Although rocky and
narro~ it i5 well marked. It leads ioto Fisher Channel and is the shortest
route to Ocean Falls from Shearwater or Seaforth Channel.

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