Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


There are two routes which cross from ~!athieson Channel to Finlayson
Channel. Jackson Passage separates Susan and Roderick Islands and is the
northern passage. It is about 1/4 mile wide throughout and narrows even more
at the eastern end where it passes through Jackson Narrows. Here it is barely
600 feet wide and the channel has many rocks. ~ni1e this passage offers much
or interest it is demanding in navigation and should be attempted only at or
near high water slack.

Oscar Passage is the southern route, separating Dowager and Susan Islands.
It is wide, deep, and free from dangers, making it a faster route to fol1ow.
Even when Finlayson Channel and part of Mathieson are foggy, Oscar Passage may
be clear. The steep shores, particularly on the north side make the trip
through resemble transiting a canal.

There is a handy anchorage about 1 1/2 mi1es south of the eastern entrance
of Oscar Passage. A cave with two 10bes indents Dowager Island, and Arthur
Isiand lies in front of them. One may enter past either side of Arthur Island,
the southern channel being wider. The west cave is 1arger, but a 1ittle more
exposed to southerly winds blowing through the large gap between Arthur and
Dowager IsIands. The head of the cove is shoal and dries; thus it should not
be approached too closely. Anchor in 7 to lO fathoms, stone and mud bottom.
This cove can accommodate severai boats.

The east cove is separated from the other by a short, rocky point. It is
considerably narrower and smalIer, but has the bu1k of Arthur Island before to
provi de shelter. There are rocky outcrops along each side -- thus there is
foom for on1y one or two boats. The bottom is rock and mud and varies from 6
to 8 fathoms.

The eastern entrance to this cove is quite narro~. At low tide the reefs
that extend from the points near the entrance reduce the width to about 200
feet. As it is dee p (15 fathoms) a mid-channel course is sufficiente

There is another useful anchorage immediately before the eastern entrance
to Jackson Narrows, in Rescue Bay. Rocky islands and shoals limit the width at
the entrance, and there are drying rocks near the head of the bay. There is a
small basin within the bay with 8 - 9 fathoms. This anchorage is useful for
awaiting the proper time to pass through Jackson Narr0~S.

Moss Passage at the southern end of Do~a8er Island (and Mathieson Channel)
can a1so be considered as a passage connected to Finlayson Sound. It actually
opens into Milbanke Sound just befare the opening into Finlayson. At its
eastern end Moss Passage contracts to only about 300 feet in the section known
as Sloop Narrows. Tidai currents are strong. Pass well south of the drying
rock south of Guard Point, and continue to stay south of Squaw Island in the
Narrows. While Moss Passage widens at its ~estern end there are many rocks and
1slands through which one must pass to reach Finlayson Channel. If the weather
1s foggy this is not an advisable route.
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