Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


The bight on the south side of the junction of Fraser and Graham Reaches
(opposite Work Island) is a naturai and weIl placed stop far vessels travelling
the Inside Passage. Butedale is an abandoned cannery on the southeast side of
the bight. It is identified by the spectacular waterfall just north of the
buiIdings. The site has attracted people far many years apparently an
Indian summer village was located here long ago.

The cannery area is falling into ruins, but the site is now privately
owned. Two caretakers have the job of looking after the pIace, and maintaining
the docks and houses. The fIoats are attached to the base of the old wharf
piIings. They suffer greatIy from the wash of the cruise ships and ferries
that rush up and down the channel. This means a daily battle to keep the
floats in shape. A small fee is charged for mooring at this worthwhile stop.

Fuel is availabie at most time5. When the stock i5 reduced it is 501d only
on an emergency basis. Water -- lots of \o'ater -- 1s available. There is a
small store and office on the wharf above the fIoats. The provisions sold at
the store have been brought in from Kit1mat. For a nominaI fee a hot bath may
be enjoyed. The old community center is stilI maintained ping pong tables
are ready for a game. EIectricity is plentiful, that is, as long as the
woodstave penstock holds together. Several bad leaks can be noticed if an
interesting waIk up a path beside the penstock i5 taken. At the head of the
penstock the intake gates are at the outlet of a Iarge lake surrounded by
mountains. Fishing is good, but the mosquitos are ravenous.

The falls stand out, as torrents of water tumble down even in late summer
when many of the other falls have almost dried up. In the spring the water-
falls along Graham and Fraser Reac~es are among the most appealing attractions
of travel along the Inside Passage. They appear in alI shapes and sizes from
5ingle large falls to tiny threads or multiple cascades. Fraser Reach has the
better of Graham Reach in the variety and beauty of its waterfal1s.

An alternative anchorage may be taken at Khutze Inlet, an opening on the
eastern side of Graham Reach, about 8 miles southeast of Butedale. ~hen
entering the iniet favor the north side to pass Green Spit, which extends from
the southern shore to within about 1,000 feet of the northern shore. Anchorage
can be found in the Iee (east side) of the spit in about 15 fathoms. An
anchorage is also reported near the head of the inlet where the Khutze River
has a steep-to mud flato The anchorage is off a stream with a conspicuous
waterfall, and is in deep water. An abandoned copper mine is along the iniet.
Mining expIoration continues to take pIace in this area. It is to be hoped
that it will not disturb the wildlife which is another attraction in this area.

At the northern end of Fraser Reach the Inside Passage turns west along
McKay Reach, while from this junction Ursula Channel goes north to Kitimat.
Hot springs can be found at Bishops Bay, a few miles along Ursula Channel. A
float is at the very head of the bay, useful since the bay is deep. A concrete
bath house has been erected at the hot springs. The area is crowded in summer,
sìnce this is a popular stop for fishermen and yachtsmen.
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