Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Proceeding north from Ketchikan, the exit from Tongass Narrows is marked by
the Guard Island Lighthouse. Here there is a choice oE several directions to
follow: northeast up the Behm Canal to traverse the Misty Fiords; west across
Clarence Strait to Kasaan Bay and Kasaan, or north towards Wrangell. When
going north the course lies along the west coast of Cleveland Peninsula.
Ernest Sound opens from Clarence Strait at Lemesurier Point; about l 1/2 miles
southeast of the point is Meyers Chuc~.

This is a smalI, convenient harbor to use to split the distanee from
Ketchikan to Wrangell. It is formed by the protection of ~eyers Island and a
sereen of smaller i51ands against the side of lemesurier Point. As one
approaches the harbor from Clarence Strait the lighted microwave tower (visible
above the trees) pinpoints the loeation of the settlement. Meyers Island lies
north of the tower. The entrance to the harbor lies between the northern end
of Meyers Island (a light is displayed) and a buoy marking the reefs of the
smaii islands north of the light.

Misery Island (the Iarge island lying 1/2 mile northwest of Meyers Chuck)
has roeks awash at its southern end which are indicated by a green marker.
~hen entering, approach the entrance from due west, south of the green marker
to avoid the reefs that lie about 400 feet off the northwestern corner of
Meyers Island. Do not close Meyers lsland closer than 1/3 mile until the
entrance is clear. At the entrance the depths reduce sharply to about 3
fathoms -- the opening is clear midway between the buoy and the light. Upon
turning into the small harbar, the State-operated public flaat is found in the
northeast corner. A seapiane float extends northwesterly, near the gangway. A
reef that dries at low water lies further east af rhe seaplane float. The main
floats are open to transient moorage.

A 5mal1 private fioat, u5ualIy occupied by the fi5h buyers, is south of the
public float. Water and fuel may be obtained here. There is a smali store
with Iimited supplies and a Pest Office from which maii is picked up weekIv.
The southwestern corner of the harbor ha~ pilings and is used by fishermen for
their nets. A wind generator is on an island to the west. This settlement i5
devoted primarily ta fishing.

Anchorage can be taken in the harbar iE moorage is not available, but the
bottem i5 rocky. Anchorage can a150 be taken in the narrow arm beyond the
small islands forming the eastern side of the harbor. It i5 necessary to go
out of the entrance and around to enter it. As a matter of interest, the pilot
reports that this area ices up during the winter.

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