Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


This harbor is within 20 miles of Juneau, though one would not normally
make so short a run near one of the major ports of a trip. However, it has one
inestimable benefit in that it provides a safe harbor if very strong winds are
blowing down Taku Inlet.

Taku Inlet is 15 miles long and opens into the east side of Stephens
Passage just beyond Taku Harbor. It has a spectacular backdrop of glaciers and
peaks. Taku Glacier is advancing and producing sediments which make the upper
part of the Inlet shoal. It acts as a funnel far the cold and powerfui wìnds
coming down from the icefieIds above. Stephens Passage is well known for the
strength and bone-chilling temperatures of these heav}' winds. While passage in
summer is never as bad as in winter (when icing is an additional problem) it
can be a rough and uncomfortab1e trip. In such cases it is wise to retreat to
the security of Taku Harbor and wait for caimer weather before proceeding.

Taku Mountaìn (2,100 feet) is a prominent, conical landmark which rises
between the entrance and Stockade Point (a lo", forested peninsula). It marks
the entrance into the harbor. The entrance is wide and deep and has no
difficuities. A light is on Grave Point, the southern tip of Taku Mountain.

The ruins of a Iarge cannery wharf are near the northeastern corner of the
protected harbor. About 600 feet south are the T-shaped public floats having a
200-foot face and a lOO-foot cross arm which are connected to the boardwa1k on
shore by a 150-foot float ( ... ·aIkway). The main floats have at 1east 2 fathoms
or more alongside. No facilities are available, but Juneau is close by. ~atch
far oid pilings when manoeuvering in the dock area.

The harbor i5 shoal at its northern head and in the southern section.
Anchorage is possible in the southeastern part in 7 to 9 fathoms, 50ft bottom.
Some minor current effects may be noticed. ~inds can swirl off the mountains
around the harbor, but the harbor is secure.

Limestone Iniet is the narrow opening Iess than 2 miles south of Taku
Harbor. It is an ecologica l research area and has no anchorage.

Siocum InIet, about 5 miles north of Taku Harbor is shoal. No anchorage is
avaiIable here. On the south shore is Butier Peak an even more conical peak
than Taku Mountain, but half its size. AlI of these shores are steep and
heavily wooded. The power lìne rcute is evident a10n8 the coast.

Grand Isle Iies in the middie of Stephens Passage. It is prominent from
the south -- steepIy slopìng. Though it can be passed on eìther si de the usual
route passes it on the east.

Apart from the discomforting winds down Taku Inlet, the trip can be enjoyed
for its scenery, and to savor the approach to Juneau. Excursion flights can be
taken from Juneau over the glaciers and icefields. Taku Glacier Lodge is
situated at the head of the inlet where overnight accommodation and guided
tours can be arranged. Information on these facilities can be obtained at the
Visitar Information Center or by enquiring at the Merchants ~harf in Juneau.
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