Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1

The small boat harbor is protected by a breakwater and Iies adjaeent to the
ferry terminaI and the railway. Fuel ean be obtained at a fioat in the
southern end of the harbor.


The junction of Lynn Canal, Chatham, dnd ley 5traits is a erossroads for
yachts bound to ~r from Glacier Bay or Juneau. There are t~o very good
anchorages in this area, while Hoonah lies aeross Icy Strait.

Funter Bay

Hansfield Peninsula projects \:\W off Admiralty Island \.;1 th lynn Canal on
its west side. Funter Bay is on the west side, about lO ~iles south of Point
Retreat (the tip of Mansfield Peninsula). It is a fairIy large bay with
several islands near the entranee.

On a northern approaeh Naked Island (with a light on it) and the pair af
smaller islands called the "Kittens" should be passed on their west side. The
northern point of the entrance to Funter Bay is Clear Point (with a llght on
it). There is a wide opening to the group of islands off the southern point of
the entrance -- Rat Island, Station Island, and two smaller islets.

Roughly east af Clear Point Light and against the southeastern side of the
bay is a ISO-foot State operated float, unconnected to the shore. Another
State-operated 100-foot float can be found at the ruins of the cannery wharf in
the northern part of the bay, between Coot and Crab Coves. Caution is needed
in this area due to the ruins of the wharf and a roeky ledge nearby.

S .... anson Harbor

Acr05s Lynn Canal from Funter Bay is S~anson Harbor, formed by a group of
islands lying off the lend. Rocky Tsland, a prominent, lighted, rounded,
grass-topped rock stands below these islands. Set a eourse to clear Point
Couverden and to approach Rocky Island. Leaving Rocky Island astern, proeeed
northwesterly, then follow along the southwest shore of Couverden Island, then
take a mid-ehannel course between it and Entrance and Ansley IsIands success-
ively. Around the north .... estern tip of Couverden Island 1s a bight with dryi~g
flats and a 5mall island to the west. Here a l50-foot State operated float is
loeated, uneonnected to the shore. Boats can moor on both sides.

At high tide the scenic mountains behind Juneau and Auke Bay ean be seen
from the float. When it is calm the float has many annoying deer flies, but
with any breeze they are not in evidence.

Allernate anchorage can be taken off the stony beach on AnsIey Island on the
west side of the harbor on the shelf close to shore. l.drge vessels could anchor
in the bight at the head. The gap between Ansley and Entrance Islands has
rocks and reefs that discourage use. From Rocky lsland courses may be set down
Chatham or Icy Strai ts .Deot .. l~~ttìs on pale 157.
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