Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


The open Pacific Ocean lies beyond Cape Spencer and Cape Bingham at the
entrance to Cross Sound. One can avoid the direct open sea route by passing to
the south of George Island and north of Three Hill Island to reach the entrance
to Lisianski Inlet. This 21-mile long inlet extends southeasterly and is lined
by pretty snow-covered peaks. The first 6 miles lie bet~een t~o very large
islands --Chichagof Island 00 the east and Yakobi Island 00 the west.

The 5mall port of Pelican lie5 about Il mile5 inside Li5ianski Inlet, on
the northern shore. It i5 mainly a fishing town and in season hums with
activity. Public floats operated by the city are in the center, north of the
Alaska Ferry dock. A generaI stare, post office, and laundromat are along the
boardwalk near the fuel dock. Rosies Bar 15 the attraction in the evenings.

Lisianski Strait enters Lisianski Inlet about 4.5 miles north~est of
Pelican (6.5 miles from the entrance). Miner Island 11es off the northern
point. It i5 ~ooded and surrounded by kelp. A narro~ passage separate5 the
north point of Miner Island from Yakobi Island, but it 5hould not be attempted.

Southeast of Miner 151and, and about a mile south i5 Junction Island,
small. wooded, and with a quick fla5hing light. Between Miner and Junction
Island (closer to the latter) there are rocky patches with only a few feet of
water over them. For vessels that are not going to Pelican but are turning
into Lisianski Strait the turn can be made staying about 1,000 feet off of
Miner Island. There are tidal rips and swirls here, for the currents coming
down Lisianski Inlet meet those coming through Lisianski Strait.

Almost as soon as one passes Miner Island the Strait begins to narrow.
About a mile from the junction the channel passes between Yakobi Island and a
shoal area with two 5mall islands, marked by a flashing red light at its
southern end. Just beyond a daybeacon marks a shoal near a 5mall float and the
buildings of a nickel exploration camp at Bohemia Creek. Four miles further on
the opening to Stag Bay i5 passed.

The opening to the ocean is encumbered with rocks on both sides, making the
actual channel narrower than the opening appears. On the south side is Esther
Island which has a flashing red light with a red triangular day mark. A course
can be laid passing between the rocky patches at the entrance and south of the
seasonal belI buoy off Star Rock. Swell, surge, and breaking waves may be
encountered depending on the external sea conditions. Sea otters are well
established·bere,and may be ~E'en in the Strait or around the entrance.

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