Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


This popular little village lies on the north shore of Tenakee Inlet,
which enters the east si de of Chichagof Island off Chatham Strait. It serves as
a vacation home area for many of Juneau's residents, but it is equally attrac-
tive for visiting yachtsmen because of its hot springs. The State ferry dock
is at the village where fuel is available. The State-maintained small craft
basin is about 1/2 mile east of the village. A grassy track meanders along the
shore, dotted with cabins along the way. No vehicles are allowed except for
the oil and fuel trucks.

Astore, cafe, and tavern are in the village. Most importantly, the green
concrete bath house is the center of Tenakee. Baths were free in 1985 --hours
are posted for separate bathing of the sexes. Remove any silver jewelry before
entering the baths as there is sulfur in the water.

Anchorages can be found in Tenakee Inlet, in erab, Lang, and Seal Bays.


Angoon lies on the east side of Chatham Strait, about 20 miles south of
Tenakee Inlet, and almost directly across from the exit of PeriI Strait into
Chatham Strait. This is a Tlinglit village, with a store, some facilities, and
it is the only permanent settlement in the wilderness of Admiralty Island. The
village is on the narrow section of a peninsula behind which Kootznahoo Inlet
enters Admiralty Island. Kootznahoo means, "Fortress of the Bears," a most
appropriate name since Admiralty Island has the highest brown bear population
of the South East, as well as the greatest number of bald eagles.

A long pier extends into Chatham Strait, and small craft can dock here to
enquire about berths from the harbormaster. Fuel and water are available.

The State-built, village-operated small craft floats are inside Kootznahoo
Inlet in Favorite Bay. As the current is swift, and the passage is narrow, get
loeal adviee and information before entering at slack ~ater iE you want to stay
at the sma11 craft area. It is about l mile south of the main vil1age. The
State ferry doeks are at Killisnoo Harbor, about 3 miles south of Angoon,
facing Chatham Strait.

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