Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


It is a good day's run from Craig to the Barrier Islands in Cordova Bay.
The route passes through UIIoa Channel, TIevak Narrows and Strait, and into and
across Cordova Bay. There are severai anchorages in this area.

The topography of U110a Channei -- steep hiIIsides a10ng a passage opening
into a Iarger body of water --causes Iocai fog to be trapped within, while the
open water clears. White cottonwood fog banks at the entrances to the channels
are a clear warning of these conditions. Navigation at these times needs care,
even with the assistance of radar. Similar conditions occur in other channels.

Waterfall is an oid cannery si te on the Prince of Waies coast midway a10ng
V110a Channel. The cannery has been converted into a fishing resort, operating
mainIy during the summer. Guests are flown in from Ketchikan. Overnight
tie-up at their dock may be permitted. Some isolated piIings and an abandoned
wharf are areaI hazard when it is faggy.

Tlevak Narrows is a short, narrow but deep passage opening into Tlevak
Strait. Several islands and rocky groups occur on both sides of the narrows,
but buoys and lights, and V.S. Chart 17407 are sufficient to navigate a vessel
through. Currents are fairIy strong inside the narrows --boils and swiris may
be experienced -- but the effect reduces rapidly with distance. Use the
passage at or near slack water unless the strength of the current is low.

Once past the narrow section between Turn Point and Block Is1and a vesse1
enters Tlevak Strait. LiveIy IsIands are passed on their western side. If
bound for Hydaburg, a principal vi11age of the Haidas, a vessel stands to the
ESE for Sukkwan Island and South Passo There are public floats at Hydaburg.

If bound for Cordova Bay stand southeasterIy down the Strait. Severa l deep
coves indent the narrow length of DalI Island, though not alI show evidence of
being good anchorages. The mountainous backbone of the 40-mile long island
shows rugged, partially wooded peaks which appear to consist of marble. Ruins
of canneries and/or logging camps are seen in some inIets.

There is a long reach across Cordova Bay. ~allace Rock, marked with a red
buoy, lies to the north of the Barrier Islands. It can be passed on either
side. Once it is identified the daymark at Guide Rocks to the ESE can be
found. When nearing Guide Rocks the position of the Narrows leading to Eureka
Channel becomes evidente A good anchorage can be found just past the Narrows
in a small cave to the south. The sketch shows the anchorage. Another
anchorage can be found behind the reefs west of the channel past the green
daymark. Severai similar anchorages could be discovered in the other passages
of the Barrier Islands, though care should be taken because of the many rocks
and reefs in the area. V.S. Chart 17433 is the best guide.

Eureka Channel Ieads southward, past Mexico Point. There are many outlying
rocks along the coast, and one should c1ear Nunez Rocks be fare attempting
either to round Cape Chacon or to sail across Dixon Entrance to Prince Rupert.
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