Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Campbell River is situated at the south end of Discovery Passage. and it
lies almost exactly midway along Vancouver Island. It is the center of
activity at the north end of Georgia Strait, and the main town in this area. It
i5 a1so a weli known fishing resort. famous for the large tyees or spring
salmon that are caught here. Almost every facility from marine hardware to
clothing, groceries, and fuel can be obtained here. Store5 of every kind,
laundromats, beauty shops. and repair services are fairly close to the docks.

Tvo rock breakvaters angle out from the shore to protect the floats far
moorage. The southern basin is the larger one and has public floats for both
pleasure craft and fishlng vessels. The harbormaster's cffice 15 in a smaii
buiIding on shore near the walkway leading from the wharves. A nominaI fee ls
charged for moorage. The docks are often crowded and rafting may be necessary.

The northern basin is privateIy owned, and is next to the Quadra Island
Ferry terminaI. There is less float space than in the public docks, and this
marina charges very high rates. For example. temporary moorage for a 35-foot
ves seI was $5 per hour~overn~gp~raye was several times higher than
at the public floats. ~~ ~ ~f~p}

Hoorage is always crowded at Campbell River in the summer. There are some
alternatives such as anchoring in Gowlland Harbor or tying to the dock in
Quathiaski Cove. The ferry can be used for getting across to Campbell River.

There is a government dock and floats in the south end of Quathiaski Cove,
next to the ferry dock. Rafting is almost always necessary. A fuei dock and a
repair yard are in the harbor. The cave can be entered on either side of
Grouse Island. The current stream does not affect the cove, but sweeps
strongly by creating tidal rips near the entrance.

ApriI Point is about 1 mile north of Quathiaski Cove and is the loeation of
an expen~ive fishing resort. The flagpoles of the lodge are prominent at the
poiot. The landing dock at the lodge is meant for Iodge skiffs. The small
marina eonnected with the lodge i5 about 1/2 mile southeast along the inner
shore of the point. Rates at the marina are expensive during summer, though
one does have aecess to the lodge and its facilities. Anchorage is good beyond
the marina, but the head of the cove is shoal.

Gowlland Harbor can be entered north of Steep Island and Gowlland Island,
taking care to avoid Entrance Rock. Anchorage can be found behind Crow and Doe
Islands. Many private docks line the harbor. Do not attempt the pass south of
Gowl1and Island leading to the cove at ApriI Point as it has many rocks.

On the east side of Quadra Island ,good anch0rage can be taken in the Marine
Park at Drew Harbor behind Rebecca Spit. There is a government dock at Heriot
Bay. There is no public transportation on the island, but people wili often
give one a ride to the ferry, enabling one to reach Campbell River.
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