Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Malcolm Island was settled by Finnish immigrants of th~ Kalevan Kansa
Colonization Company in 1900 in one o f the first attempts at a socialjst
cooperative commune. Ihe hard working settlers ~ade thcir living from fishing,
farming. and 10gging. Sointula. which meo.ns Piace o f Harmony, .... as the sile of
their main village. Personality conflicls , particularly \"ith the irascible
leader, caused a break-up in 19 05. ~lany of the orisinal residents remained and
the c ammunit}' survived in a slightly different fOfr.l.

The calm simplicity of Sointula. the neat cottages Io'ith their carefully
tended flower gardens, and the hard \.,oorking residents gave this pIace a feeling
of peace, in (ontrast l a the ra .... , rough Iand and people alI a r ound it. ~luch of
the success was due to the fact that no liquor, no religious inlolerance and no
police force '-'as on the island, until the 1960 ' s .... hen the hippies in\'aded

Today, Nalcolm Island <lnd Sointula have cha:-;ed. They are no"" connected t o
the B.e. road system by a three-tO'o.'n ferI;; that calls at Port ~1c!\eill and Alert
Bay as we 1 1. The ferry dock is near the fuel dock al the center of town
(around Dickenson Point). The 5mall craft harbo r is dbout 1 mile further into
Rough Bay, behind an L-shaped breab'ater.

The harbor was expanded in 1984 - 1985. This is a. bus}' place during the
fishing season as rnany vessels frorn southern B.C. use Sointula as a base in
summer. In addition to the old wharf and four finger fIoat s , a newer wharf and
three finger floats has been added to the north. Both sets of floats are
approached around the end of the breakwater.

A harbormastcr, based in the 5mall hut on the old wharf, controls alI
berthing in the small eraft harbor and eoIleets the nQminal gO\'ernrnent fee.
Check with the harbormaster on arrivaI, o r ii after hours find any berth and
check in the next morning.

At the head of the I.·harf, across the road is the !:larine hard· •• are branch of
the Cooperath'e Stare. The main store, post office, h otel, restaurant, and a
museum are at the (enter of town. The ~alk to t>';I' ... n is pledsant.

Port Mcffeill is a modern town, ... ith nany of t~e facilitif's usual to these
dE'\·elopments. "government dock and floats are !:Jehind thE' break ... ater that
protects the ferry dock. The approach [rom A!ert Bay t o Sointul a o r Port
~c~eil1 passes Haddington Island. A traffie separatlon seheme (for cruise 5~
ships aod large freighters) 15 established far eaeh sidE' o f the island. Lights
mark the reefs, ledges, and :;hoals. The passagl?s are I.·ide enough to cause
5rrall vessels fe .... problerns if the lights and marks Me> carefull~' identified.

Continuing ~est from Sointula lhrough Brou~~.ton Strait a \'E'ssel exits into
Qucen Charlotte Strait on passing Pulte>ney Point Lighthouse. This light is on
che south ... ·est tip of ~laleolm lsland. This is a!l ir:1port3nt ... ·eather reporting
lighthouse, and Hs deep fog horns ean be very '~E'le'~!1e during foggy periods.
In summer the ..... ·esterly ... inds often raise il chop in thi5 seet ion of Broughton
Slr<lit. The most cornfortable time for lran>! up the coast i5 in the early
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