1 Antenna(s): receivers that operate on SIHkHz (only) will have a single
antenna, which may be passive or active. A passive antenna does not
increase the level of, or boost received signals. An active antenna
uses an amplifier to boost received signals. Receivers that operate on
518kHz and one of the other, additional, frequencies (490kHz or
4209·5kHz) may have two passive antennas, one tuned to each
frequency, or a single broad band antenna, connected to serve both
receiver paths.
2 Co-axial cable: the cable
connecting the antenna(s) to the weatherproof
copper shield to block
electrical interference
receiver will be co-axial-having
a central copper core for the
received signal path and an outer
screen to shield the central core
protecting the core from
external signals and electrical
central copper wire
(receiving path)
Figure 9.3
Co·axial cable
3 NA VTEX receiver: at the time of writing, most receivers only operate
on 518kHz, though some can be upgraded with a second frequency,
if required. Some also have a facility for connecting an external
receiver to provide reception on an additional frequency. All receivers
have a paper printer (4) and a programming area (5). Receivers with
518kHz and an additional frequency will become more common now
that the additional frequencies are coming more into use around the
4 Paper printer: all GMDSS-approved NAVTEX receivers must print
received messages onto paper. A VDU is not sufficient. Printer paper
is usually thermal and will only print on one side. When loading
paper, you need to make sure that:
- The paper is the correct way up.
The paper is loaded squarely into the printer.
5 Programming area: the programming area will have a selection of
buttons, controls and/or displays, which may include:
Power on/off switch.
Visual Display Unit (for displaying receiver status - what station{s)/
messages are programmed; last message received, etc.).
Illumination/dimmer (for the VDU).
Programme status key (for printing/displaying the current station/
messages programmed status). - Station/message programming keys {may be dual-function with