The Radio Station log is suitable and appropriate information has
been correctly entered into the log.
Books appropriate to the vessel's voyages are provided and corrections
are being recorded where appropriate, e.g:
- ITU Lists (Coast Stations/Ship Stations/ Special Service Stations/
GMDSS Coast Station Annex). - Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals.
- The Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile
Satellite Service. - Technical/user manuals for each item of radio/satcom equipment.
- The Civil Aviation Authority's Aeronautical Radio Station
Operator's Guide (CAP452).
Antenna drawings are available and up-to-date.
Spare emergency antennas are available, if appropriate.
Availability of radio facilities are ensured by either:- Equipment duplication.
- Shore-based maintenance.
- At-sea maintenance capability.
Where at-sea maintenance is used, the maintain er's name, certificate
type and number will be recorded and a check will be made to
ensure that maintenance facilities are satisfactory. Where shore-based
maintenance is claimed, a shore based maintenance certificate, issued
by the radio maintenance company, should be available and in date.
GMDSS operator's certificates for all persons onboard will be
recorded in the survey report. From 01 February 2002 all Deck Officers
keeping a Navigation Watch will have to hold an appropriate certificate
at least a GMDSS Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC). Any vessel
going outside an Al area will have to carry at least one operator holding
the GMDSS General Operator's Certificate (GOC). (It is possible that
the interpretation of an 'appropriate certificate' may change, in time, to
mean a certificate appropriate to the vessel's sea area of operation/
equipment fit).
Electricity supplies
The inspector will check:
Emergency generator: to see that it starts correctly, that the capacity
is adequate and that its location is acceptable. Location should not be
a problem if the generator has not been moved since initial approvals.