Ship Radio Survey - possible outcomes
There are three possible outcomes for your Ship Radio Survey:
I Everything will be in order and a Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
will be issued or, in the case of passenger vessels, a declaration of
compliance will be passed to the relevant authority for inclusion in
the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.
2 Faults/omission{s) are found but the ship will be allowed to sail to its
next port of call - with the reservation that deficiencies must be
corrected before leaving that port.
3 Faults/omissions are found and the ship will not be allowed to sail
until deficiencies have been rectified.
If you look after your equipment on a day-to-day basis and:
- make SUre that any problems are spotted and fixed.
- maintain a good radio log.
- know the location of all documentation {licences,
certificates and books}.
the most likely outcome of the radio survey is point 1 above.