International NBDP frequencies for MSI broadcasts
The frequencies 4210kHz; 6314kHz; 8416·5kHz; 12579kHz;
16806·5kHz; 19680·5kHz; 22:376kHz and 26100·5kHz are allocated,
internationally, for MSI broadcasts using NBDP in the GMDSS. NBDP
may be allowed as an alternative to the Inmarsat SafetyNET broadcast
in some areas and may be the only means of receiving MSI in an A4
area. Some countries continue to use their own frequencies for such
broadcasts (ALRS Vo!. 3 refers).
MF IHF SSB Radio intership voice frequencies
A number of (simplex) frequencies have been set aside for intership
working in each of the maritime mobile bands (2MHz, 3MHz; 4MHz,
6MHz, 8MHz, 12MHz, 16MHz, 18MHz, 22MHz and 25MHz bands).
The class of emission on all intership voice frequencies isJ3E. Frequencies
available in each band are as shown below. Your own vessel licence
limitations may restrict the number of frequencies you may use.
The 2MHz/3MHz Intership Bands are between 2261-2498kHz;
3340-3400kHz and 3500-3600kHz. Carrier frequencies are at 3kHz
separation and are as indicated below for each band. Both bands are
intended for use using ground wave propagation - maximum range about
200 miles (depending on transmitter power and antenna efficiency) -
though there will be some sky-wave propagation at night, which may
cause local interference.
Carrier frequency 2261, 2264, 2267, 2270 (and at 3kHz intervals
through to 2495kHz).
Carrier frequency 3340, 3343, 3346, 3349 (and at 3kHz intervals
through to 3397kHz).
Carrier frequency 3500, 3503, 3506, 3509 (and at 3kHz intervals
through to 3597kHz).
Additionally - all vessels on international voyages must be able to
communicate on 2045kHz and 2048kHz - when in Region 1 (Fig IX-I),
for J3E (voice) communications between ships and coast stations and,
on 2048kHz, with ships of other nationalities; and 2635kHz and 2638kHz
- with other ships when in Regions 2 and 3 (Fig IX-I).